martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Thanks giving!

I will try to write in English without dictionary instead I´m forgetting all.

First of all I want to say thanks to all of you, to all the people who were taking part in the youth exchange "Nice to meet yout (th)". It was a really nice time, that break to enjoy and learning!!Time to notice that instead we are from different countries at the end we are persons, time to discover that sharing our time we can always learn from the different cultures and new animation resources for our youth work in our places!!New songs like "this is the story of my perfect bunny, king kong, chiki cha" ... new dancings, new international friends.

It was a pleasure to met all of you and the fact that you took part in the experience of my EVS, that´s very important in my life. It was really nice listened to your different languages (yoli, yola... bla bla :P) and listened to your laughs filling all the corners of the Aktionszentrum.

Now all is little bit sad, empty, calm... time to think about it...

oooops I´ve lost the game in this moment!!

Thanks to all for those 7 days together!!Happy holidays to all and Schulls!!I miss you all!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola y gracias por tu comentario en mi blog.
    Yo he conseguido que me lo cambien despues de el calvario que llevo y eso que en general estoy contento. Veo que te lo pasas genial, ojala me lo pase yo la mitad de bien que tu. Como puedo contactar contigo por email para preguntarte alguna cosilla sobre el SVE. Que me gustaría que me resolvieras alguna duda. Y que sigas viendo mi Blog que me voy el 7 de octubre. Y muchas gracias por los animos. contacta conmigo en
